
For us, "Today for Tomorrow" means preparing you for tomorrow with the appeal of your experienceable profile. Our drive: To tap into your brand potential and make it usable. So that you become your best version and are ready for your best possible future.

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We help brand-oriented companies and people to plan their success and make them fit for the future. In doing so, we ensure that they profile, present and market themselves convincingly. In this way, they make a tangible contribution to society and receive the attention they deserve.

what we do
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Together with you, we create a common understanding of what you will be doing in the future. We do this against the backdrop of ever faster change in all areas and in many directions. Building on this, we define your brand identity, the central promise. An essential component of this is your contribution to society. We then determine how this claim is to be realized and draw up a concrete action plan with you.

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We address the employees: Your most important ambassadors must have the knowledge, the will, and the skills to act on your promise, and to uphold it consistently—whether with customers, stakeholders, partners, or the general public. This is also accomplished through contemporary forms of collaboration and bold, transparent communication on equal footing.

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Your future-oriented set of values determines the actions of each individual employee. We ensure that everyone's behavior is evident at all touchpoints and fosters the desired attitudes and beliefs. Therefore, we ensure that everyone feels valued and competent. Furthermore, we continuously evaluate and optimize marketing communication.

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3.000+ Shared ®-Buttons
Coachee Logo
120+ Executive Coachings
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13 Countries
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72+ Projects

Areas of Expertise and Services

Everything we do serves what everyone wants to be: ready for the future. We ensure that today you answer conclusively the question of your "what for" (as a decisive step beyond "why"); then move purposefully to where your prosperous tomorrow is; and take everyone with you into your promising future. Finally, you have to do less to achieve more. Next, your profit is made of two things: on the one hand the balance sheet, on the other hand the meaningful as well as fulfilling actions of everyone involved. We call this path #todayfortomorrow.


Selected Customers and Projects

As diverse as our services are, there are always three things involved:

  1. Find out what you do what for and how
  2. Inspire the contributors
  3. Make sure that you become and stay future-ready.
Swiss Life Select Logo

Sahle Wohnen


Our services: Develop communication strategy with focus on Employer Branding incl. competitor analysis, profiling areas, signature stories

Swiss Life Select Logo

Münchner Wohnen


Our services: Branding of „Services“ department and continuous involving of all employees during internal rollout process

Swiss Life Select Logo



Our services: Develop a new ladder brand for the European market; proactively involve national sales teams

Swiss Life Select Logo

Swiss Life Select

Financial service provider, an entity of the Swiss Life Group

Our services: Develop the vision; involve consultants with keynotes and workshops

#ideality #allforone #start
Ames Logo


Columbian-German furniture and accessories

Our services: Develop the brand identity

#intercultural #cumbiarhythm #vibrantliving
Union Investment Logo

Union Investment

Investment company of DZ Bank and part of the Genossenschaftliche Finanzgruppe

Our services: Internal on- and offline "BrandForums" for brand ambassadors; brand touchpoint audits; strategic brand management activity planning

#brandambassador #TogetherforUI #livingbrand
Bonnfinanz Logo


Financial Advisory

Our services: Develop brand identity and vision as well as the guiding idea for the brand communication; involve consultants with lectures and workshops

#alwayslivegood #peoplefirst #eyelevel
Bauerfeind Logo


Globally operating manufacturer of medical aids for health and sports

Our services: Benchmarking and coaching of marketeers; inspire dealers at trade fairs with workshops; involve global marketing reps; develop the US brand strategy

#movementforperformance #foryourpersonalbest #dirknowitzki
BMW Financial Services Logo

BMW Financial Services

Service provider for wealth management as well as vehicle leasing and financing

Our services: Train brand-oriented, clear communication with employees

(Purchaser is Thilo Baum, Gersfeld)
#livejoy #customertofans #emotionalselling
Arnold Metalligent Logo


Global metalworking company in the sector of industry, object and art

Our services: Develop the brand identity and vision as well as the central theme for the communication; involve employees with keynotes and workshops; screen, select and guide the communication service provider

#metalligent #arnoldians #jeffkoons
Proventus Logo


Financial service provider, an entity of the Swiss Life Group

Our services: Develop the brand identity and the central theme for the communication; involve consultants with keynotes and workshops

#start #tailwinds #heavybecomeseasy
Horbach Logo


Financial planning for academics, an entity of the Swiss Life Group

Our services: Develop the brand identity, involve consultants with keynotes and workshops

#crazy #moduleofyourlife #consultantbond
Swiss Life Logo

Swiss Life Deutschland

Leading provider of financial and pension solutions

Our services: Brand architecture – differentiate German sales brands from one another according to their target groups

#milieus #distinct #clarity
Sonepar Logo

Sonepar Deutschland

Market leader in the electrical wholesale

Our services: Turn in-house staff and outside sales people into brand ambassadors in large group events; emotionalize nationwide in-house fairs; design and roll out their brand event

#emotionfirst #increasedpulse #bigfamily
Zausinger Logo


Electrotechnical building equipment supplier, operating Europe-wide

Our services: Develop the brand identity

#individualfirst #favoriteemployer #breathfreely
VR meine Bankk Logo

VR meine Bank

Middle Franconian bank in the Volksbanken-Raiffeisenbanken-Verbund

Our services: Develop the brand identity and vision and the central theme for the communication; involve employees with keynotes and workshops

#globalathome #fintechproof #realpeople
Wertgrund Logo

Wertgrund Immobilien

Service and investment group for residential real estate in Germany

Our services: Develop the brand identity; involve employees with keynotes

#concretewithaface #approachableandfair #closetotheearth
Mennekes Logo


Industrial plug devices and e-mobility solutions made in Germany

Our services: Human-Branding-Trainings with sales managers and department managers

#brandfirst #b2bisb2c #brandaslifeinsurance
Wolf Garten Logo


Europe-wide active manufacturer of gardening equipment,
tools and accessories

Our services: Develop the brand identity and vision and the central theme for the communication; involve national subsidiaries with keynotes and workshops

#familymember #18countries #heartbeatshead
Axel Springer Logo

Axel Springer Media Impact

Marketer of the media offers of Axel Springer and the Funke Mediengruppe

Our services: Develop the brand identity and the central theme for the communication

#crossmedial #attention #digital
Manroland Logo


World market leader in web offset printing machines

Our services: Interim management; Roll out CI-compliant marketing worldwide with national subsidiaries; screen and select a service provider

#global # identityestablishing #printlives
Hatice Schmidt Logo

Hatice Schmidt

International Beauty Entrepreneur and Influencer

Our services: Position the brand; develop the kreative guiding idea; develop the marketing roadmap and enable service provider

#influencerbranding #strongandproud #beautybusiness
Medi Logo



Our services: Positioning of new OTC brand in the brand architecture as well as in international markets and competitor environment

Jon Christoph Berndt®
Jon Christoph Berndt Photo

Jon Christoph Berndt®

He is the specialist for brand strength, visibility and marketing success. As an international brand developer, keynote speaker, trainer and coach, he stands for clear positioning, getting attention and long-term profit. JCB is widely featured in the media and is the author of numerous books.

Website JCB
About us

Our Human Brands

We are the experts for brandpositioning, getting attention and future-readiness.

Jon Christoph Berndt®
Jon Christoph Berndt Portrait
Sandra Pauli
Jon Christoph Berndt Portrait
Associated Consultant
Thomas Hauser
Thomas Hauser Portrait
Associated Consultant
Prof. Dr. Sven Henkel
Sven Henkel Portrait
Academic Advisor
Anna Weileder
Anna Weileder Portrait
Max Winterhoff
Jon Christoph Berndt Portrait
Associated Consultant
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We are looking for you!


Provocative, multi-valued, entertaining: Our books belong on but not under the pillow. For the daily dose #todayfortomorrow, that really pushes along—and keeps the others at distance.

Future-Ready Books
Contribution to Society (in German)

How Companies Make Significant Progress with their Unique Contribution to Society

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Future-Ready Books
Future-ready! (in German)

Identity in Disruptive Times—How Companies Become Future-ready

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Aufmerksamkeit Books
Getting Attention (in German)

Why We so Often Miss It, and How to Get What We Want

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Human Branding Books
You, Yourself, Are the Most Powerful Brand! (in German)

Polish Your Image with Human Branding

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You, Yourself, Are the Most Powerful Brand! (in German)

Polish Your Image with Human Branding! The Human Branding Handbook

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Simply Distinctive! (in German)

How Awakening Clear Desire in Companies Makes Them More Successful

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Benchmarken (in German)

How Companies With a Strong Brand Are More Successful—and Keep Their Competitors at Distance (in German)

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Brand New (in German)

What Powerful Brands Really Need (in German)

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Jon Christoph Berndt in the Media


If you see him, you listen; those who read him, understand: Jon Christoph Berndt makes the future domains of successful companies and people understandable, desirable and achievable—at eye level and in complete sentences.

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Email: amaze_me(at)brandamazing.com